Sean Michels School for Special Needs
"Every night, when Sean Michels’ dad picked up his six-year-old son to put him in his bed, Sean like always, did not say a word. Instead, Sean lifted his little hand and gently patted his father’s back to say thank you. When Sean, because of his special needs and deteriorating health, passed away months later the normal laughter and music that echoed from Sean’s spot in the living room fell quiet. Family and friends of Sean, desperate to hold onto his memory, began to imagine a service project with the foundation Koins for Kenya. Now, years later, in a dusty village in Miyani, Kenya, children play outside the small boarding house called The Sean Michels School for Special Needs. The children, ranging from K-12, pass around a tethered soccer ball between each other. They dive and kick at the ball with missing feet or arms. Some of the children cannot speak, so instead, they laugh. Their giggles echo across the desert earth and their teachers clap and cheer as they play. These children, some with severe special needs, are able to go to school in a poverty-stricken area because of donations like yours. We like to imagine that every time you donate a little boy pats your back to say, without any words at all, thank you."
Part of our proceeds are donated to the Sean Michels School, a boarding school for special needs and physically handicapped children near Miyana, Kenya. The Michels family teamed up with Koins for Kenya to create this amazing school after their young son passed away. Many of these children in Kenya would otherwise not be able to attend school due to lack of facilities (even for "typical" children) and the lack of transportation infrastructure in Kenya. The Sean Michels School is unique among Koins for Kenya schools in providing live-in boarding dorms as some of our children traveled hundreds of miles to attend. Funds for SMS capital expenditures are from generous donations, and are matched by a 10% cash requirement by parents of the children.
We are so grateful for the opportunity to team up and support the Sean Michels School! Please help us in supporting them as well! You can learn more from them at their website here. The Michels' family is one that we look up to because of the selfless love they portray. This school is giving so many children many opportunities they wouldn't have had without the love of the Michels family.
If you would like to make your own donation, you can through the Koins for Kenya website and specify that it is for the Sean Michels School. You can also sponsor a child as well here.